Our team here at Soldo has watched the role of finance leaders change across the board for quite some time now.

Managing money is only one of many things you’re responsible for. You’re being asked to implement new technology, guide product and business decisions, and plan for the future.

But – as you know – staying ahead of the curve is challenging. So, we wanted to create something that would help you make a difference.

Enter The CFO Playbook podcast.

What is The CFO Playbook?

A weekly podcast where we talk to world-class finance leaders to learn how they:

  • Set goals
  • Manage teams
  • Leverage technology
  • Plan for the future
  • Improve systems and processes…and much, much more!

Where Can I Listen?

The CFO Playbook is available on your usual podcast-listening apps, such as Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle PodcastsAmazon Music. You’ll also be able to read episode summaries and listen to the show on our website at cfoplaybook.fm.

When Does The Show Launch?

It’s up on all platforms now! You’ll find our trailer and the first episode live already, and our second episode will be released Thursday, February 25th.

How Can I Support The Show?

Subscribe on Apple Podcasts (or wherever you listen to podcasts!), rate or leave a review, and tell the world about the show on Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram – and be sure to tag Soldo.

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Tune in every week and get ready to step up your game!