Soldo - A Centralised Way to Manage Decentralised Spending

Soldo – A Centralised Way to Manage Decentralised Spending

IDC Reveals: Centralised spend management is transforming finance

IDC research reveals how Soldo’s centralised spend management platform is revolutionising the way businesses tackle decentralised spending. With Soldo, organisations gain:

  • Governance: Define and adjust spending limits in real time, ensuring all transactions align with company policies.
  • Cost Control: Gain real-time visibility into spending, enabling accurate forecasting and proactive cash flow management.
  • Employee Empowerment: Streamline tasks and free up employees to focus on high-value activities.
  • Business Agility: Enable swift decision-making and spending, keeping pace with the ever-changing market.

Download the IDC whitepaper and discover how Soldo can help you gain real-time visibility into company spending, streamline approvals, and empower your finance team to make data-driven decisions that fuel growth.

IDC research reveals how Soldo’s centralised spend management platform is revolutionising the way businesses tackle decentralised spending. With Soldo, organisations gain:

  • Governance: Define and adjust spending limits in real time, ensuring all transactions align with company policies.
  • Cost Control: Gain real-time visibility into spending, enabling accurate forecasting and proactive cash flow management.
  • Employee Empowerment: Streamline tasks and free up employees to focus on high-value activities.
  • Business Agility: Enable swift decision-making and spending, keeping pace with the ever-changing market.

Download the IDC whitepaper and discover how Soldo can help you gain real-time visibility into company spending, streamline approvals, and empower your finance team to make data-driven decisions that fuel growth.